Make a Rock Garden Centerpiece!

It was time to put something on my table for spring, and I’ve been kind of stumped.  I always like to have something on my table that makes our home look alive, but its time to do something besides flowers or candles.  I definitely wanted something green to match my springtime green mantle, so I set about turning a small houseplant into a simple garden themed centerpiece.

You can find “river rocks” like these close to the florals in any craft store, or really, even in Walmart.  At target they’ll be close to the candles as “vase fillers”.  My houseplant was a dollar on closeout at Aldi, and the 70’s looking plastic water can was 15 cents at my favorite thrift store.  I don’t think I would go quite this simple with my centerpiece if my table runner wasn’t so eye catching by itself.  I found it at World Market, where I was cashing in on a $10 off anything coupon.  (Did you know they send you a $10 coupon for your birthday when you sign up for their emails?!  Sweet!)

I love how this constant reminder to water my plants, actually helps me remember to drink more H2O.  It’s SO ridiculously simple, but I don’t know…  I think it’s got a kind of zen quality!  What do you think?

FINALLY! The Secrets of Being a Mom Revealed!

This is my friend Stephanie.  She has five kids, all under five years old.  Wonder how she does it?  So do I, and after months and months of my nagging, she finally revealed her secrets over on our collaborative effort, 4SmartyPants.

Here’s what impresses me about Stephanie: She’s not some jean skirt type that basks in the land of runny noses and tantrums while the rest of us pine for the days we could use the bathroom uninterrupted.   She’s a real gal like you and me.  I knew her before she had children, and she’s managed to stay the same cute, interesting gal she always was–the kind that loves a good meme, raps out loud with the radio, and can’t just ignore the TV if a good FRIENDS rerun is playing.  She’s got to be way more sleep deprived than I am, but she always finds the fun in life.

I never want to become the kind of parent that constantly whines or grows to resent the life they gave up to have children.  I think my pal has some great actionable tips for keeping the right attitude.  Go check them out, HERE.

Use up those scrapbooking supplies!

Lookie what I made!




So, are you like me? Do you have a collection of scrapbooking supplies for that imaginary future when you’ll have the time?

I’m trying to declutter some of my crafting supplies, and I also needed some birthday cards. I am NOT a card maker, but I think what I came up with was pretty cute.

Here’s some tips for folks like me that aren’t interested in a new card making hobby, but do want to put their scraps to good use, save a little money on birthdays, and send out something with a little more personal feel this year:

1. Figure out a cute layout then make as many cards in that design as you can with the supplies you have on hand. Nobody’s handing out prizes for most unique birthday card, and coming up with a different design for everyone you know… Well that’s just impossible in my world! These cards will get me through February, then I can make up a new design that uses up different supplies!

2. Less is more! Try to keep your design to three or four elements. I realize this design is simpler than most, but the card stock I’m using is really fancy with a metallic quality that’s not showing in the pictures. It didn’t need much.

3. Find your envelopes and work from there! Nothing’s worse than making an adorable card and having nothing to send it in! Also, when measuring and cutting my card stock, I find it easiest to first score the fold with a butter knife and ruler, then fold the card and cut it to the desired size! So much easier than trying to do the math!

4. You don’t need gobs of equipment! I did these with two types of scrapbook paper, a paper cutter, glue, scissors, brads, and my printer! Unless this is a huge hobby for you, DON’T BUY STAMPS!!! Do a Google image search for free printable stamps instead! You’re sure to find something that fits the occasion! Also, if you want to totally copy off me, but you have no brads, just use a button instead!

Hope that helps! Now, time to stock up for my 2012!

Cheat to Win! Knit Stockings!


Most of you know, I LOVE loved to knit. That was before I realized that knitting needles were irresistible and deadly weapons in the hands of a two year old. I really adore hand knit Christmas decor, though, so tomorrow I head to the thrift store to get some old sweaters and make stockings out of them!

Go see how Kelly at The Complete Guide to Imperfect Homemaking did the ones above, and maybe I’ll post my own pictures if mine are completed before the 25th! Our two year old has still never had a Christmas stocking, so I guess it’s time to step it up!

And, by the way, if you also have trouble keeping up with the projects you once enjoyed, go check out my post today at 4SmartyPants, and learn to show yourself a little more grace!